Saturday, April 24, 2010

Enemies and Items

Update time! This week I managed to not only get all of the items blocked out and finished, but I have also formed out five of the seven enemies that will be in the final build of the game. Next on the list is building the last two enemies, creating a stage goal allowing transition from stage to stage, and finally creating the finalized layout for the stages and rooms. After this, the prototype and preproduction phase should be nearly completed, with art and sound to follow in the production phase.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Big Loser

Update time again. Due to some recent personal developments, I will be working on this project more often than usual. As of this week, I managed to get a basic losing and restarting mechanic fleshed out. Unlike my previous games, I will try to create this as a game that will not require mouse usage at all. Stay tuned for further updates each Saturday.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Healthy Habits

Well, I finally got my work and free time balanced out. Health has been tested and added, as are the initial enemy tests. Vertical scrolling and stage testing will begin shortly, with along with the editions of two more blast types and researching horizontal looping or possible teleportation nodes. Unlike Magma Girl, this game has no paused button planned and the cutscenes between stages will only be a single image with subtitles. The ending will be a bit longer, but it will still be a fairly short game. Afterwards, I'll resume more work on Magma Girl while creating yet another tiny game to release during development.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Musically Grounded

Well, I have begun checking out possible music selections while I am trying to balance my free time and work. I am thinking of going with a more techno-based sound, but I will know more once the stages have been finalized. More updates will be available next weekend.